Executive Committee
Responsibilities: To act on behalf of the Board when there is no regular Board meeting or when the President calls.
Chair: Hon. Jim Renninger (Clay)
Vice Chair: Hon. James Bennett (Baker)
Mr. Darryl Register (Baker)
Hon. Ken Amaro (Duval)
Hon. Andy Dance (Flagler)
Hon. John Martin (Nassau)
Hon. Larry Harvey (Putnam)
Hon. Krista Joseph (St. Johns)
Personnel, Budget & Finance Policy Committee
Responsibilities: Provide policy direction, input and recommendations to the Board of Directors on annual agency budget and revisions, investment and finance policies, personnel policies, purchasing policies, annual audit review and reconciliation, annual executive director employment contract, and any other matter appropriately coming before the Committee.
Chair: Mr. Darryl Register (Baker)
Vice Chair: Hon. John Martin (Nassau)
Hon. James Bennett (Baker)
Hon. Betsy Condon (Clay)
Hon. Ken Amaro (Duval)
Hon. Andy Dance (Flagler)
Hon. Clay Murphy (St. Johns)
Legislative Policy Committee
Responsibilities: Provide policy direction, input and recommendations to the Board of Directors on external legislative initiatives and proposals as well as develop legislative positions appropriate for the Region and the Council and any other issue appropriately coming before the Committee. Members shall also be selected to represent the Council on the Florida Regional Councils Association.
Chair: Hon. John Martin (Nassau)
Mr. Darryl Register (Baker) FRCA Rep.
Hon. Jim Renninger (Clay) FRCA Rep.
Hon. Steve Kennedy (Clay)
Hon. Sean Lynch (Duval)
Hon. Andy Dance (Flagler)
Hon. Larry Harvey (Putnam)
Affordable Housing Committee
Responsibilities: Provide policy direction, input, and recommendations to the Board of Directors on affordable housing initiatives and proposals. Develop housing strategies appropriate for the Region and the Council. The committee will also appropriately address any other housing-related issues that come before it.