Next Meeting: February 1, 2024 at 12pm

For updates and more information about the NEFRC Affordable Housing Committee, please contact:

Eric Anderson, Deputy CEO | Email: Interested Parties Mailing List | Phone: (904) 279-0880

2022 Affordable Housing Strategy

2022 Affordable Housing Workshops

In March of 2022, the NEFRC held a series of local affordable housing workshops to gather input from key stakeholders in the Region. Below is the presentation given at those workshops and a link to individual county results. More resources from the workshops can be found in the Resources section below.

Other Resources

Affordable Housing Trends in Northeast Florida (Shimberg Center)

Jacksonville Special Committee on Critical Quality of Life Issues, incl. Affordable Housing (Also see for best practices in other cities)

Nassau County Affordable Housing

Jessie Ball duPont Fund: Impact Investing

ALICE Point-in-Time Data (2018)

Ability Housing

ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for Affordable Housing

Florida Housing Coalition

State Housing Initiatives Partnership

Florida Housing Finance Corporation Excerpt from Planning Magazine, Spring 2022

“Would-Be Home Buyers May Be Forced to Rent the American Dream, Rather Than Buy It” - 60 Minutes

“Climate Migration is Now”

2022 State of the Nation’s Housing Report – Habitat for Humanity

Committee Membership (Updated 10/2024)

  • Jimmy Anderson (Baker County)
  • Michael Griffis (Baker County)
  • Michael Bourre, (Clay County)
  • Jim Renninger (Clay County)
  • Curtis Hart (Duval County)
  • Sean Lynch (Duval County)
  • Catherine Robinson (Flagler County)
  • TBA (Nassau County)
  • TBA (Putnam County)
  • Roxanne Horvath (St. Johns County)

Meeting Documents & Summaries


No Meeting
Meeting Agenda Packet
Meeting Presentation
Meeting Agenda Packet
Meeting Presentation: Christopher Walker of Lippes Mathias LLP
No meeting
No meeting
Meeting Agenda Packet
Meeting Presentation: First Coast Apartment Association: Affordable/Workforce Housing
No Meeting
Meeting Agenda Packet
Meeting Presentation: Affordable Housing in Jacksonville, FL
No Meeting