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The Council is governed by a 35-member Board of Directors consisting of 2/3 locally elected county and municipal officials, and 1/3 gubernatorial appointees. The Council also has 4 non-voting ex-officio Governor’s appointees representing state and regional agencies.

2024-2025 Board Officers

President: Hon. Jim Renninger (Clay)

1st Vice President: Hon. James Bennett (Baker)

2nd Vice President: Hon. Ken Amaro (Duval)

Secretary/Treasurer: Mr. Darryl Register (Baker)

Baker County

Hon. Jimmy Anderson (C), Board of County Commissioners

Hon. James Bennett (C), Board of County Commissioners

Mr. Michael Griffis (M), City of Macclenny

Mr. Darryl Register (G), Chamber of Commerce

Clay County

Hon. Betsy Condon (C), Board of County Commissioners

Hon. Jim Renninger (C), Board of County Commissioners

Mr. Steve Kennedy (M), City of Green Cove Springs

Mr. Michael Bourre (G), Bourre Constructions

Duval County

Hon. Ken Amaro (C), City of Jacksonville City Council

Hon. Mike Gay (C), City of Jacksonville City Council

Hon. Sean Lynch (M), Town of Baldwin

Elaine Brown (G), City of Neptune Beach

Flagler County

Hon. Andy Dance (C), Board of County Commissioners

Hon. Leann Pennington (C), Board of County Commissioners

Hon. Charles Gambaro, Jr., (M), City of Palm Coast 

Nassau County

Hon. A.M. Huppmann (C), Board of County Commissioners 

Hon. John Martin (C), Board of County Commissioners 

Hon. Genece Minshew (M), City of Fernandina Beach

Putnam County

Hon. Larry Harvey (C), Board of County Commissioners

Hon. Leota Wilkinson (C), Board of County Commissioners 

St. Johns County

Hon. Krista Joseph (C), Board of County Commissioners 

Hon. Clay Murphy (C), Board of County Commissioners 

Hon. Virginia Morgan (M), City of St. Augustine Beach

Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members

Mr. Curtis Hart (G), Florida Department of Commerce

Mr. Gregory Strong/Ms. Kathryn Craver, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)

Mr. Derick Dixon, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)

Mr. Douglas Conkey, St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD)

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