Eric Anderson

Emergency Preparedness Manager


Phone: (904) 279-0880 x178

Tyler Nolen

LEPC Coordinator & Regional Planner


Phone: (904) 279-0880 x108

The Northeast Florida Regional Council (NEFRC) provides a hosts of emergency preparedness services for the public, private and government sectors. This includes but is not limited to the areas of natural hazard planning, hazardous materials and wastes, and training and exercise services. NEFRC maintains staff with expertise in emergency management. A Florida Professional Emergency Manager or FEMA Certified Master Exercise Practitioner will oversee all projects or programs.


Natural Hazards Planning: Plan Development and Program Management

  • Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) – Program Management and Plan Development
  • Statewide Regional Evacuation Study Program (SRESP)
  • Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans (CEMP)
  • Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP)
  • Hazard Vulnerability Assessments (HVA)

Hazardous Materials/Waste: Compliance, Training/Exercises, & Technical Assistance

  • Local Emergency Planning Committee for Hazardous Materials (LEPC) – Local Emergency Planning Committee
  • Compliance with the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and Tier II Chemical Inventory Reporting
  • Hazards Analysis
  • Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grant
  • Small Quantity Generator (SQG) Program

Training and Exercise Services: Program Development, Training, & Exercises

  • Training and Exercise Program Development
  • Coordinate and Implement Emergency Management related training
  • Full-Service Exercise Program – Homeland Security Exercise & Evaluation Program (HSSEP)
  • Discussion-based Exercises (seminars, workshops, tabletops)
  • Operations-based Exercises (drills, functional, full-scale)