Each year the Northeast Florida Regional Council solicits legislative priorities from our member governments. Prior to the start of the legislative session, NEFRC, with guidance from the Legislative Policy Committee, develops the Northeast Florida Regional Priorities. These priorities highlight critical issues for multiple counties and often have a regional impact. The Northeast Florida Regional Priorities for 2021 include specific examples of these needs identified across our local governments.


Honoring the Honorable Cynthia Stevenson

Commending Regions Bank

Supporting the Green Mobility Program WHEELS

Community Planning Month

Commending Doug Conkey

Commending Mary Alice Phelan

Honoring Honorable Ed Boner

Supporting Rural Transit

Authority for Filing of a TD Trust Fund Grant Application


Honoring Mr. Hugh Fish

Honoring Honorable Chereese Stewart

Honoring Mario Taylor's Retirement

Recognizing Local Works Day - October 3

50th Anniversary of the West Florida Regional Planning Council

Designation of October as Community Planning Month

Honoring Honorable Ronald Sanchez

Honoring Honorable Barry Holloway

Honoring Honorable Adam Giddens

Granting Signatory Authority

Commending Perry S. Bechtle, DO

Honoring Mr. Larry Williams

Honoring Councilman Matt Schellenberg

Honoring Jeffrey Alexander

Honoring Mayor Steve Howard

Review of Medicaid Managed Care on the Coordination of Transportation Services

Flagler County Board of County Commissioners as CTC

Designation of April as Water Conservation Month

Authority for Filing of a TD Trust Fund Grant Application

Honoring Mr. Kenneth "Ken" Smallwood

Honoring Honorable Rachel Bennett

Recognizing James Bennett, P.E.


Honoring Mr. Jeff Cole

Designation of State Road A1A as Florida Scenic Highway

PACE Funding Agency Program

April 17, 2023 - Military Family and Community Covenant Day

Honoring Honorable Bill Leary

Honoring Honorable Nancy Harris

Honoring Honorable Shirley Graham


Authority for Filing of a TD Trust Fund Grant Application

Honoring Honorable Joy Morris

Creation of the Northeast Florida Regional Transportation Commission

Honoring Ms. Danita Andrews

Honoring Honorable Milissa Holland

Honoring Honorable Ken Bryan

Designation of October as Community Planning Month

Granting Authority for TD Trust Fund Grant

Recommending Nassau County Council on Aging as the CTC

450th Anniversary of the Landing of Jean Ribault

Honoring Councilman Doyle Carter

Developing a Funding Solution for Operation of Mayport Ferry

50th Anniversary of East Central Florida Regional Planning Council

50th Anniversary of the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council

Honoring Officers, Board of Directors and Members of RCI


Honoring Honorable Michael Corrigan

Recognizing Lola Smith Atlanta Region Area Director US EDA

Honoring Honorable Paul Parsons

Honoring Mrs. Karen Stern

Designation of October as Community Planning Month

Supporting the First Coast Outer Beltway and User Toll Finanacing

Honoring Honorable William "Bill" Bishop

Honoring Richard "Dick" Brown

Signatory Authority for Filing of a Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund

Preservation of Funding for the Commission for Transportation Disadvantaged

Honoring Mrs. Jane Miller

Honoring Honorable Shirley Orberg

Honoring Honorable Robert Page

Supporting Designation of April as Water Conservation Month

Honoring Honorable Mary Lawson-Brown

Hazardous Materials Awareness Week

Honoring Honorable Carol Vallencourt

Honoring Honorable Cynthia Stevenson


SIS Designation of Cecil Field Spaceport

Proposed Designation of Nation's Oldest National Heritage Area

Honoring C.J. Thompson

Honoring Honorable Don Crichlow

Honoring Honorable Michael Griffis

Honoring Honorable Michael Boyle

Supporting Designation of April as Water Conservation Month